Lakota Robotics | Game Announcements

2011 Game: Logo Motion

Robot Name: Douggernaut

Match Periods

In Logo Motion, each match is 135 seconds long, and consists of 3 periods.

  • Autonomous – first 15 seconds. Code on the robots is remotely activated, and robots may react to sensor inputs and commands programmed into the robot’s onboard control system. The robot tries to score Ubertubes onto pegs on the scoring grid.
  • Teleoperated – 105 seconds, starting after the Autonomous Period. Humans using a console drive their robots around the field, trying to score points using any game piece except for Ubertubes.
  • Minibot/End-game – final 15 seconds. At fifteen seconds to the end, the tower bases flash their alliance color. Minibots may be deployed onto the towers in the final 10 seconds to score extra points. They may only be deployed during this period. The robots can still score the game tubes.


The playing field for Logo Motion is 27-feet wide by 54-feet long, and is made of gray carpet. On each end of the field, there are scoring grids immediately in front of the alliance stations, where robots are remotely controlled by its drivers. Each alliance station is protected by a wall, known as the alliance wall. On each alliance wall, there are two scoring grids. Each scoring grid has 9 pegs arranged like a square. Each row is 37 inches above the next, except on the outside columns in each grid, where the bottom peg is only 30 inches above the ground. There are openings in the alliance wall, called feeding slots, in every corner, where an alliance member may enter playing pieces into play. However, to get from the scoring grid to your alliance’s feeding slot, you must transverse the field. Thus, many teams elect to throw tubes onto the field and have their alliance’s robots pick them from the ground. Four towers with cylindrical bases are in the middle of the field. The towers are used in the endgame for alliances to earn up to 30 or more points. To assist teams in driving and programming a robot through an almost completely open field, there is colored tape on the floor to allow for sensor calibration and to create visual reference points. Furthermore, the tape delineates areas where certain robots may or may not traverse.


The following is how Ubertubes are scored as they are hung on the end field walls, during the autonomous period.

On bottom row 2 Points
On middle row 4 Points
On top row 6 Points

The following is how game pieces are scored as they are hung on the end field walls, during Teleoperated mode. Any tube that is part of a non-Ubertube triangle-circle-square group (depicting the FIRST logo) is worth double of the listed points.

NOT Hanging 0 Points 0 Points
Hanging on Bottom Row 1 Point 2 Points
Hanging on Middle Row 2 Points 4 Points
Hanging on Top Row 3 Points 6 Points

The following is how the mini-bot race is scored during the end game period. The end game is a race between four mini bots to reach the top of the tower poles on the field.

1st mini-bot to reach the top 30 Points
2nd mini-bot to reach the top 20 Points
3rd mini-bot to reach the top 15 Points
4th mini-bot to reach the top 10 Points