2015 Game: Recycle Rush

Lakota Robotics | Game Announcements

2015 Game: Recycle Rush

Robot Name: Relicycle

Game Overview

RECYCLE RUSH is a recycling-themed game designed for the 2015 FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC). It is played by two Alliances of three Teams each. Alliances compete simultaneously to score points by stacking Totes on Scoring Platforms, capping those stacks with Recycling Containers, and properly disposing of Litter, represented by pool noodles, in designated locations. In keeping with the recycling theme of the game, all scoring elements used are reusable or recyclable by teams in their home locations or by FIRST at the end of the season.


The 27 ft. by 54 ft. playing Field is bisected by a small Step which may not be climbed on or crossed by Robots. Thus each Alliance competes on their respective 26 ft. by 27 ft. side of the Field.


Each RECYCLE RUSH Match begins with a 15-second Autonomous Period in which Robots operate independently of their drivers. During this period, Robots attempt to move themselves, their Yellow Totes, and their Recycling Containers into the area between the scoring platforms, called the Auto Zone. Additional points are awarded if the Yellow Totes are arranged in a single stack.

During the remaining 2 minutes and 15 seconds of the Match, called the Teleop Period, Robots are controlled remotely by student drivers located behind the walls at the ends of the Field. Teams on an Alliance work together to place as many Totes on their Scoring Platforms as possible. Alliances earn additional points for Recycling Containers placed on the scored Totes, with Recycling Containers at greater heights earning more points. Alliances also earn points for disposing of their Litter in either their Landfill Zone (the area next to the Step marked by the white line) or placing Litter in or on scored Recycling Containers. Alliances that leave unscored Litter marked in the other Alliance’s color on their side of the Field at the end of the match add points to the score of the other Alliance, as it is considered unprocessed and not properly disposed.

Alliances have an opportunity to earn “Coopertition Points” by coordinating with the other Alliance in the Match. Coopertition Points are awarded if, at some point in the Match, there are at least four Yellow Totes on the Step simultaneously. Coopertition Points are doubled if the Alliances arrange at least four of those Yellow Totes in a single stack on the Step. Points for the Match are awarded based on the state of the scored objects at the end of the Match (with the exception of Coopertition Points, which can be earned at any point during the Match).

2014 Game: Aerial Assist

Lakota Robotics | Game Announcements

2014 Game: Aerial Assist

Robot Name: Jiminy-Flik-It

Match Periods

In Aerial Assist, each match is 2 minutes and 30 seconds long, and consists of 2 periods.

  • Autonomous – first 10 seconds. Code on the robots is remotely activated, and robots may react to sensor inputs and commands programmed into the robot’s onboard control system. The robot tries to score a ball into a high or low goal and move forward into it’s colored alliance zone.
  • Teleoperated – 2 min, 20 sec, starting after the Autonomous Period. Humans remotely control their robots to try to earn points by scoring the ball in a goal (high or low), shoot it and catching it over the truss, and passing the ball to their alliance teamates down the field. To score passing points a robot must pass the ball to another robot in a different colored zone or take the ball into a different colored zone to their partner and pass it to them there (In other words, robots cannot pass the ball in only one colored part of the field; it has to move to different parts).


The FIELD for AERIAL ASSIST is a 24 ft. 8 in. x 54 ft. carpeted area, bounded by and including the GUARDRAILS, ALLIANCE WALLS, and rear faces of the LOW GOALS. The FIELD floor is covered with carpet. Two HIGH GOALS are located at each end of the FIELD above the ALLIANCE WALLS. Two LOW GOALS are located in the corners next to each ALLIANCE WALL. A TRUSS bisects and spans the width of the FIELD. There is retro-reflective tape areas on both of the high goals. In Auton, teams can use cameras on their robots to detect when one of these is lit up (called: “hot”). It will stay lit/”hot” for 5 seconds (which one is lit being determined randomly).


The following is how points are scored during the autonomous period.

Ball in low goal 6 Points 11 Points if “hot”
Ball in high goal 4 Points 20 Points if “hot”
Robot moves to alliance zone 6 Points

The following is how points are scored during teleoperated mode.

Ball in low goal 1 Point with 1 assist 11 Points with 2 assists 31 Points with 3 assists
Ball in high goal 10 Points with 1 assist 20 Points with 2 assists 40 Points with 3 assists
Ball over the truss 10 Points
Catch ball from over the truss 10 Points

2013 Game: Ultimate Ascent

Lakota Robotics | Game Announcements

2013 Game: Ultimate Ascent

Robot Name: Flying Saunders


Ultimate Ascent is played on a 27′ x 54′ field. There are two pyramids placed in the center of each half of the field. There are five scoring locations located on the opposite end of the field from the alliance station where that teams drivers are. Four of the goals are located on the opposing alliance’s wall. The fifth is part of the pyramid at that end of the field.


Ultimate Ascent matches are two minutes and fifteen seconds long. The first fifteen seconds are called the autonomous period. During this period the robots follow a set of pre-programmed instructions. Following this period the teams take control for the teleoperated period. Drivers control their robots, attempting to score discs into the goals at the opposite end of the playing field. The robots also can climb their alliance’s pyramid at the end of the match to score additional points. In the final thirty seconds the human players can throw their six colored discs into play over the alliance wall.


Teams start with up to 2 or 3 discs on the robot at the beginning of the match. Robots which begin touching the carpet behind their colored Auto Line may have three discs; others may have only two. They can score these in autonomous or wait for the teleoperated period. Only the 6 discs of an alliance’s color count when scored on top of its pyramid. White or opposing colored discs will not count if scored in the pyramid. Since the human players may not put any colored discs in play until teleoperated, scoring in the pyramid is not possible in autonomous. Teams can score points as follows by scoring discs into goals:

Goal Autonomous Teleop
Low Goal 2 1
Middle Goal 4 2
High Goal 6 3
Pyramid Goal N/A 5
The match ends with robots attempting to climb pyramid game elements located on the field. Robots earn points by climbing the pyramid based on how high they climb. Levels are divided by the horizontal bars on the pyramid, with from the ground to the first bar being level 1. The following is the breakdown of the scoring:
Level Points
1 10
2 20
3 30

2012 Game: Rebound Rumble

Lakota Robotics | Game Announcements

2012 Game: Rebound Rumble

Robot Name: Ollie-Oop

Match Periods

In Rebound Rumble, each match is 135 seconds long, and consists of 3 periods.

  • Hybrid – first 15 seconds. Code on the robots is remotely activated, and robots may react to sensor inputs and commands programmed into the robot’s onboard control system, or a member of the team can use the Kinect Sensor to send commands to a robot remotely. The robot attempts to score baskets to earn extra points.
  • Teleoperated – 105 seconds, starting after the Autonomous Period. Humans using a console drive their robots around the field, trying to score points by shooting game pieces into an of their team’s baskets.
  • End-game – final 15 seconds. At fifteen seconds to the end, teams try to navigate their robots onto their team’s colored bridge and score points by balancing 1, 2, or 3 robots on it. Alternatively, both alliances can try to balance two robots (one red and one blue) on the central ‘Coopertition’ bridge to earn Coopertition Points.


The field is a carpeted area 27 feet by 54 feet designed to resemble a basketball court. Either side has a driver station and an array of basketball hoops. There is one low hoop, two middle hoops, and one high hoop. Across the narrow dimension of the field a 4 inch high wall, along which are placed three tilting bridges at a height of 12 inches. The bridges at the edges are color-coded for each alliance, and the center bridge, called the Coopertition bridge, is available for both alliances.


The following is how many points baskets are worth during Hybrid and Teleop phases.

Hoop Hybrid Teleop
Bottom Row 4 Points 1 Points
Middle Row 5 Points 2 Points
Top Row 6 Points 3 Points

2011 Game: Logo Motion

Lakota Robotics | Game Announcements

2011 Game: Logo Motion

Robot Name: Douggernaut

Match Periods

In Logo Motion, each match is 135 seconds long, and consists of 3 periods.

  • Autonomous – first 15 seconds. Code on the robots is remotely activated, and robots may react to sensor inputs and commands programmed into the robot’s onboard control system. The robot tries to score Ubertubes onto pegs on the scoring grid.
  • Teleoperated – 105 seconds, starting after the Autonomous Period. Humans using a console drive their robots around the field, trying to score points using any game piece except for Ubertubes.
  • Minibot/End-game – final 15 seconds. At fifteen seconds to the end, the tower bases flash their alliance color. Minibots may be deployed onto the towers in the final 10 seconds to score extra points. They may only be deployed during this period. The robots can still score the game tubes.


The playing field for Logo Motion is 27-feet wide by 54-feet long, and is made of gray carpet. On each end of the field, there are scoring grids immediately in front of the alliance stations, where robots are remotely controlled by its drivers. Each alliance station is protected by a wall, known as the alliance wall. On each alliance wall, there are two scoring grids. Each scoring grid has 9 pegs arranged like a square. Each row is 37 inches above the next, except on the outside columns in each grid, where the bottom peg is only 30 inches above the ground. There are openings in the alliance wall, called feeding slots, in every corner, where an alliance member may enter playing pieces into play. However, to get from the scoring grid to your alliance’s feeding slot, you must transverse the field. Thus, many teams elect to throw tubes onto the field and have their alliance’s robots pick them from the ground. Four towers with cylindrical bases are in the middle of the field. The towers are used in the endgame for alliances to earn up to 30 or more points. To assist teams in driving and programming a robot through an almost completely open field, there is colored tape on the floor to allow for sensor calibration and to create visual reference points. Furthermore, the tape delineates areas where certain robots may or may not traverse.


The following is how Ubertubes are scored as they are hung on the end field walls, during the autonomous period.

On bottom row 2 Points
On middle row 4 Points
On top row 6 Points

The following is how game pieces are scored as they are hung on the end field walls, during Teleoperated mode. Any tube that is part of a non-Ubertube triangle-circle-square group (depicting the FIRST logo) is worth double of the listed points.

NOT Hanging 0 Points 0 Points
Hanging on Bottom Row 1 Point 2 Points
Hanging on Middle Row 2 Points 4 Points
Hanging on Top Row 3 Points 6 Points

The following is how the mini-bot race is scored during the end game period. The end game is a race between four mini bots to reach the top of the tower poles on the field.

1st mini-bot to reach the top 30 Points
2nd mini-bot to reach the top 20 Points
3rd mini-bot to reach the top 15 Points
4th mini-bot to reach the top 10 Points

2010 Game: Breakaway

Lakota Robotics | Game Announcements

2010 Game: Breakaway

Robot Name: Brand Kannon

Game Play

Robots play Breakaway on a 27 by 54-foot rectangular field known as the field. The field is bordered by a set of guardrails and alliance walls. There are two “bumps” in the field that divide it into three zones. During matches, the robots are controlled from alliance stations located outside the field at both ends. These rectangular zones consist of three-team player stations that provide connectivity between the controls used by the robot operators and the arena. Goals are located at the corners of the field, and extend behind the alliance wall and adjacent to the player stations. After goals are scored, human players must pick up the balls and pass them to the center of the alliance station to be placed on a ball return rack, after which they will re-enter play at midfield. Teams are penalized if balls are not re-entered within a set time limit.


Balls are kicked or herded into goals located in the corners of the fields. There are two goals for each alliance, adding up to 4 goals total.

  • Scored Ball — 1 point

At the end of the match, bonus points are awarded for robots that cling onto either of the two towers in the center of the field. More bonus points are awarded if alliance robots can suspend themselves from the robot clinging onto the tower.

  • Suspended Bot — 2 points
  • Bot Suspended From Another Bot — 3 points

The following is how game pieces are scored as they are hung on the end field walls, during Teleoperated mode. Any tube that is part of a non-Ubertube triangle-circle-square group (depicting the FIRST logo) is worth double of the listed points.

Starting Positions

Each round lasts two minutes and fifteen seconds. In the first fifteen seconds of a round, the robots run in autonomous mode, then there are two minutes of game play during which robots are user-controlled. The game is played by two three-robot alliances with each team starting one robot in each of the three sections of the field. At the beginning of a match, every robot must be touching either one of the bisecting bumps or an alliance wall. Also, at the start of the match each of the 12 balls in play must be placed at one vertex of a six foot by six foot gird. There are two grids marked at either ends of each of the three zones.

2009 Game: Lunacy

Lakota Robotics | Game Announcements

2009 Game: Lunacy

Robot Name: Mojo


Lunacy is played on a rectangular field that is 54′ by 27′. This field is a material called ‘Glasliner FRP’ and is referred to as ‘Regolith’. The regolith is designed so that the robots, which have special mandated wheels that they cannot modify in any way, shape or form, have reduced traction, mimicking the effect of low gravity that would be seen by a robot driving on the moon.


Moon Rocks (Orange and Purple) 120 available 2 pts each
Empty Cells (Orange and Blue) Up to 8 2 pts each
Super Cells (Green and Purple) Up to 8 15 pts each

Total score for the alliance is the total number of points scored by placing Moon Rocks, Empty Cells and Super Cells in the trailers of all of the robots of the opposing alliance, less any deductions for penalties.

Game Play

The goal of the game is to score as many of the game pieces in the opposing side’s trailers as possible. Robots start out in front of the opposite alliances’ human players. There is a 15 second autonomous period, during which robots operate according to programs that teams download to their robot, and a 2 minute Teleoperated period, where robots are driven and controlled by a human drive subteam at one end of the field. Empty cells (also worth 2 points) must be handed to a robot by the “payload specialist” at the mid-field position known as the “outpost”. The robot must deliver the Empty Cell to their human player on one of the corners in order to get a Super Cell that is worth 15 points. A robot can only carry one Empty Cell at a time. Super Cells can only be put into play during the last 20 seconds of play, and only if the human player has been delivered an Empty Cell.

2008 Game: FIRST Overdrive

Lakota Robotics | Game Announcements

2008 Game: FIRST Overdrive

Robot Name: Sharky’s Machine

Game Play

FIRST Overdrive is played on a 54 ft (16 m) by 27 ft (8 m) carpeted field, divided lengthwise by a fence median to create a track, and separate the field into Red and Blue zones. The fence is crossed by an overpass marking the red and blue finish lines, and hold the game pieces: 40 in (1,016 mm) diameter inflated balls called “Trackballs”. Two three-team alliances race around the track in a counter clockwise direction while manipulating the trackballs to score points.

The game is made up of two scoring periods. The first 15 seconds of play is the Hybrid period in which robots are autonomous, and may also respond to certain digital signals sent by team members designated as “Robocoaches”, who are stationed at the corners of the track.

The next two minutes of play is the Teleoperated period. At this time, robots are fully radio controlled by the team operators standing at either end of the field.


During the Hybrid period, robots traversing the field in a counter-clockwise direction score:

  • 8 points for each of their Trackballs knocked off of the overpass
  • 8 points for each of their Trackballs passed over the overpass
  • 4 points whenever their robot crosses a lane marker
  • 4 points whenever their robot crosses their opponent’s finish line
  • 4 points whenever their robot crosses their finish line
  • 2 points whenever their trackball crosses their finish line

The Hybrid Period

Hybrid period is a new addition to an FRC game. Rather than the pre-game autonomous modes of previous years where robots were prohibited from receiving input from humans, robots may receive signals via an infrared (IR) remote control or visible light from a designated Robocoach during the Hybrid period. The number of different IR signals the IR board included in the kit of parts is physically able to receive is 4. The number of distinct commands that are allowed to be sent is also 4, thus ruling out multi-signal combinations.

2007 Game: Rack n’ Roll

Lakota Robotics | Game Announcements

2007 Game: Rack n’ Roll

Robot Name: V2


The Rack ‘n Roll field is dominated by ‘The Rack’, a large metal contraption with three levels of hanging metal bars, with each level having 8 arms evenly spaced in an octagonal manner. Each arm (also known as a ‘spider leg’) has space for two game pieces. Any more pieces placed on a spider leg beyond the first two are ignored for scoring purposes. At the beginning of the match, the rack is arbitrarily translated or rotated within three feet of the center of the field in order to give some randomness and to encourage autonomous modes that do not depend on dead-reckoning. At the top of the Rack are four green-colored lights above the 1, 3, 5, and 7 legs to aid in autonomous-mode tracking.

The game is made up of two scoring periods. The first 15 seconds of play is the Hybrid period in which robots are autonomous, and may also respond to certain digital signals sent by team members designated as “Robocoaches”, who are stationed at the corners of the track.

The next two minutes of play is the Teleoperated period. At this time, robots are fully radio controlled by the team operators standing at either end of the field.


Rack Scoring

The primary method of scoring in Rack ‘n Roll is by making rows and columns of tubes on the rack. A row or column of n tubes is worth 2n points to a maximum of n=8. Note that this includes rows or columns of length 1, so a single tube on the rack that does not form a row or column is worth 2 points. Teams have access to 21 scorable keepers and ringers. This means that the maximum possible score from the rack should be 596 . That is, two rows of 8 ringers, a row of 5 (2 ringers plus 3 keepers), 5 vertical columns of length 3, then 3 vertical columns of length 2.

Robot Scoring

Robot positions at the end of the match are worth bonus points. In Rack n’ Roll, each robot in its alliance end zone that is not touching any field element and has its lowest part 4 or more inches off the ground will score 15 bonus points. A robot that is not touching any field element and has its lowest part 12 or more inches off the ground will score 30 bonus points. Since robots may not be touching any field element, this means that in order to score bonus points, teams will have to depend on their alliance partners to provide mechanisms to lift their robots or will have to have mechanisms to lift their alliance partner’s robots. Since at least one robot must be touching the ground in order to lift the other two alliance robots off the ground, the maximum conceivable bonus points an alliance can score is 60 points.

Game Play/Pieces

The game pieces in Rack ‘n Roll are inflatable toroidal pool toys. There are 3 styles: Keepers, Ringers, and Spoilers. Keepers are tubes with lettering that are placed only during autonomous mode and, once placed, override any pieces placed later for scoring purposes. Ringers are undecorated tubes that are delivered onto the field either by human players via chutes, or are picked from the floor. Nine ringers of each color start on the field in the opposing team’s start area (so the 9 blue ringers are in the red alliance’s end zone, and vice versa). The other nine start behind the end wall, to be given out by human players. Spoilers are colored black, and cause the spider arm holding them to be ignored for scoring purposes. Spoilers can be removed or repositioned on the rack by robots multiple times. Each alliance starts with two spoilers, accessible by their human players.

Each match of Rack ‘n Roll is 2 minutes 15 seconds long, divided into three segments. The first segment is a 15 second autonomous period, where robots may attempt to place keepers onto the rack without human input. Once autonomous mode is complete, any keepers not already on the rack are no longer valid for scoring. The second segment, the teleoperated mode, is 2 minutes long, during which robots are operated by the drivers and may roam anywhere on the field. In the final 15 seconds, the end game, robots may not enter their opponent’s end zone, but all other rules remain the same from the teleoperated period. Though the head referee may pause the game between the autonomous period and the teleoperated period, the end game follows directly after the teleoperated period.

2006 Game: Aim High

Lakota Robotics | Game Announcements

2006 Game: Aim High

Robot Name: Stormin’ Norman

Game description

Aim High is played by two alliances, red and blue, each consisting of three robots. During a 10-second autonomous mode robots are programmed to score into any of the three goals: one raised center goal marked by a green vision target and two corner goals at floor level. At the end of the autonomous period the alliance with the most points will gain a 10-point bonus and will be placed on defense for round two. Rounds two, three and four are each 40 seconds long and are human-controlled rounds. Between rounds two and three the alliances switch from offense to defense or vice versa. At the start of round 4 any alliance can score into the corresponding goals. At the end of the match any alliance can receive bonus points by placing its three robots on a platform below the center goal. The alliance with the most points wins with scoring as follows: 3 points for any ball scored in the center goal, 1 point for any ball scored in the corner goals, 10 bonus points for scoring the highest in the autonomous round and 25 points for placing all 3 robots on the platform at the end (10 points for 2 robots and 5 points for 1 robot).

Field layout

The Aim High field has 6 goals and 2 platforms. Unlike previous years an alliance’s goals are on the far side of the field. The field is flat and measures 54 feet (16 m) long by 26 feet (7.9 m) wide.

Alliance station

The alliance station wall is 26 ft (8 m) long and stretches the width of the field. The middle 18 ft (5 m) of the alliance station wall is made of “diamond plate” aluminum from the floor to 3 ft (1 m) high with clear acrylic filling the rest of the 3.5 ft (1.1 m). The outer edges of the wall consist of transparent polycarbonate. Above each alliance station there is a circular goal (the center goal), with a green light above it. The green light is used so that the CMUcam can lock onto it. On the bottom left and right of each alliance station there are two rectangular holes, the corner goals, through which balls can be maneuvered to receive points. In front of each alliance station there is a raised platform.

Tournament structure

The tournament structure of this competition is the same as in previous years. In the regional competitions teams were given access to their robots on the Thursday of the competition weekend. It is a practice day giving each team a number of practice rounds on the regulation playing field. Friday and the morning of Saturday is dedicated to a series of qualification rounds. Each team competed in around seven to ten matches. The number of wins by a team in these matches determines the team’s ranking.

Before a lunch break on Saturday the top eight teams from the qualification rounds are asked, in order from the top-seeded team to the eighth seed, to select an alliance of three robots. In contrast to previous years this order reverses for the second selection round and the eighth seed picks first and then backwards to the first seed. This was instituted to make the finals more competitive and balanced compared to previous years.

After the lunch break the finals take place. This is a standard-elimination tournament bracket starting with alliance 1 facing alliance 8, alliance 2 facing alliance 7, and so on. At the end of the finals the last remaining alliance is declared the winner and all three teams are given the right to attend the national competition.